
HTML comments are used to add notes and explanations to the HTML code. Comments are ignored by the browser and are not displayed on the webpage. They are useful for documenting your HTML code and for temporarily disabling parts of the code.

To create an HTML comment, you can use the <!-- and --> tags. Anything that is between these tags is considered a comment.

Here is an example of an HTML comment:

<!-- This is an HTML comment -->

You can also use comments to disable parts of the code by commenting out the code that you want to disable. This is useful for testing or debugging your HTML code.

Here is an example of how to disable part of the code using an HTML comment:

  <p>This paragraph will not be displayed because it is commented out.</p>

It is good practice to use comments to document your HTML code and to explain the purpose of specific parts of the code. This can make it easier for others to understand and maintain your HTML code.

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